Faith Driven Fitness

Fitness has always been a huge part of our lives! We've always been on a cheer or dance team which calls for extensive training. We were professional cheerleaders for 4 years so we've had the pleasure of working with the best of the best.

We never went without working out, running, or taking classes but our downfall was our obsession with being thin over healthy. So we thought, fitness is and has always been a huge part of lives, why not share our journey and invite you all to go on one with us.

We knew we wanted to add the fitness portion to our blog when we launched it, but we wanted to get into REAL shape first. We wanted to be strong, not just thin. We wanted to be able to eat and not feel guilty. More than anything, we wanted to be transparent and do it the right way - not starving, or depriving ourselves from anything. 

We're finally ready to introduce to you - Faith Driven Fitness!!!

Our fitness regimen starts with God. It starts by fueling the right things, cleaning out the bad, and restoring what's right. First, you're going to need a devotional! We suggest Joel Osteen's 'Everyday a Friday.' We choose this one because it's an easy read and it's inspirational. Every devotional is about a page long and it'll help keep you on track.

You've gotta start your day with God! This clears your mind and sets your day up for greatness. Our lives get so chaotic when we skip this step. It feels like everything we do is in vain if we don't keep God first. Everything about our lives just feels 'off.' It's really amazing how when you truly seek the kingdom first, God has a way of aligning the rest of your life in your favor. 
Don't just listen to us, try it for yourself.

Fitness Components:

1. Devotional: This is the #1 component to our Faith Driven Fitness. Find a devotional that will influence you, drive you, and inspire you. If you need suggestions, here's the ones we really love. Joel Osteen's: Everyday A Friday and the Breakout Book Journal. Beth Moore's Hope devotional. Lastly, Raindrops from Heaven by Twila Belk. Anything will work. 

2. Journal: The second most important thing is a journal. Don't skip this step! When you write down your goals, your hopes, and your dreams, they become your reality. Write down what God's doing in your life. Write down the blessings he's bestowed. Talk to God about your devotionals you do every morning. Also, record what you eat so you can look back and see what works and what doesn't work.

3. Your bestie: The third most important component is finding a person who will do it with you. Find someone who you can confide in and push to become better. There will be days you have zero inspiration, but your bff will be there to get you through it. Everyone needs someone!

We want you to take this journey with us! It only takes one person to inspire someone. If you begin, you will inspire someone else and they will inspire others. Before you know it, there will be a flood of people diving into Faith Driven Fitness! 

"The greatest legacy is not what we leave for people, it's what we leave IN people."

Who's with us? 

Whit + Mariel